A good bag design elements such as what needs attention? Why can the same handbag fire sales, no one cares? Today we have handbags designed to explain it. If you want to go with the tide, leading the trend. The comprehensive analysis and extensive collection of designer handbags information is extremely important.
Handbag information analysis consists of four; season information, dissemination of information, community information, market information.
(A) the season analysis
1, climate adaptation: climate and characteristics of the area where the master design object.
2, the meet of the season: before the arrival of mass production of the finished product the total each season on the market. Therefore, designers need to understand before one or two bag style with the season and gather feedback. Analysis of fashion trends, predicted on the basis of a viable option. In addition, seasonal distribution, the need to keep informed of product sales information saturation information, grasp the trend of selling products.
(B) dissemination of information analysis
1, historical communication: bag is along the trajectory of socio-historical development and progress, although it is a long process, but the bag itself is a historical mountain continued, personnel engaged in the bag design, evolution and development of bag has enough knowledge and research.
2, cultural transmission: the bag is an integral part of national culture, bag culture of mutual influence and penetration are also the dissemination of a culture. Therefore, countries all over the world, ethnic bags and cultural analysis. Absorption and integration will greatly enrich the national costume, in information dissemination point of death benefits developed in contemporary society, international exchanges and more clothes. The emergence of a new bag, tend to rise a global boom, so the bag culture, the dissemination of information, both the traditional sources of analysis should focus on the analysis of the Zeitgeist.
3, consumer communication: levels of different consumers of various types of consumer groups, communication between them, and form the mainstream of promoting the consumption of bags. World political, economic, cultural, historical and modern dramas of different consumer groups is also a difference in the structure, based on our comprehensive analysis of the situation, consumer groups there are basically four types of bags.
①-pilot: composed of a large number of young people in fashion, remain good mimic, aesthetic is not fixed. But sharp response to new things, people purchase bags have strongly divergent psychological, of promote the fashionable bag is a vital force.
② Classic: there is a certain degree of economic strength, traditional aesthetic. Has a better aesthetic and interesting, often due to occupation or inherent inertia makes it stable on bags, bag trends play a catalytic role in development stage.
③ value: economic power than thin, purchase of bags to the package for the price is at the top of the bag when practical and durable, they are cheap and the consumption price Pack bags square objects.
Black conservative: as its name implies, idea sticks, bags for popular prejudice, but it cannot affect the trend, but as the trend slowly forward.
(C) the social information
Information society, including political, economic and social trends, technology and lifestyle aspects of and factors, these trends for bag pattern development and change a lot.
1, is political: in the history of the world, where there is a significant political change, bags will also produce great changes. Revolution and political change, bags will also produce great changes. Such as the overthrow of the Qing dynasty in the Xinhai revolution, Western-style clothing, gradually replaced robes long tunic coat.
2, economic factors: raising the level of economic, textiles, bags of industrial development is also the material of the handbag selection, color information, and to put forward new demands, therefore, consumption of bags is in direct proportion to the progress and economic growth.
3, trend factors: social thought is an important factor in the bag massage. Trend of thought in literature and art and the rise of artistic styles, such as modernism, constructivism and postmodernism, bag design has had a major impact.
4, trend factors: social thought is an important factor in the bag massage. Trend of thought in literature and art and the rise of artistic styles, such as modernism, constructivism and modern industries such as, bag design has had a major impact.
5, technical factors: the development of science and technology, has a direct effect on the bag industry. Application of new fibers and the advent of new materials, new process improvements as well as a variety of leather dyeing process found that bag approach opens up a wide range of innovative design and production.
6, lifestyle factors: human lifestyle changes along with the improvement of the material and spiritual life, clothing is an important aspect of life. Efficient, fast paced world, with modern life harmony bags should be designed to accommodate the needs of people living and working.
IV) market information
Analysis of market information, market competitive strategy for developing new bags style circulation size and expanding the handbag, very close relations. Market competition is the most crucial, to understand consumer psychology and aesthetic tastes of the consumers in the market, the economic situation, competitors, and so on, and then take the corresponding strategies.
1, winning with the new: new styles, new materials, new processes, new colors, new color and create designs to make bags market maintained strong vitality and a strong temptation.
2, excellent win: in the handbag market, consumer concerns about bag has a special value, so high quality and beautiful, well-made styles, high value, should be the important part of the design concept.
3, winning with fast: in the handbag market competition, must be produced fast enough to first word, seize the opportunity to launch season, season, should the trend of bag styles, step by step, head start, to quick win. Designers should be keenly motor design and analysis of a model, production, advertising, sale, design bags can quickly dominate the market.
4, low: low price and physical beauty is the handbag market attracts two main conditions for consumers, designers need to try to reduce costs, reduce losses, and lower prices, high quality and low price, to expand sales.
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